Tag Archives: spirituality

That Girl is Poison – Dream Stealers

*This post is extracted from the new Symphony Of Heaven Blog due to people still visiting here. Please visit and subscribe to the new Blog. *

Few months ago, I heard a sermon titled ‘That girl is poison’ by Carl Lentz, Pastor of Hillsong church New York. Speaking to 1000’s of young people at a Jesus Culture Conference, he was talking about how important it is for young people to protect their calling. He shared about how great men like David, Solomon, Samson did not fall in front of giant swords or armies, but in the hands of a women. I do not intend to type the whole sermon here(you can watch it here). I would like to write about 3 things in our lives that could be poisonous and can destroy our calling.

A Person/People :

People and relationships are among the most important things in life, but if you are not wise in choosing who influences you, they can be your dream stealers. Having people around you who inspires you, encourages you and motivates you is a much needed blessing. You’ve got to find such people.

Here’s my post on the kind of people in your life and who you should spend most of your time with.

A desire :

Desires play a part in us reflecting God’s nature as a caring father. God has promised and longs to fulfil the desires of our hearts. Desires are important because they form dreams, dreams add purpose to life and purpose defines how we live everyday.

Desires become dream stealers when we allow worldly agendas to alter a God given desire. Many begin with a good desire and along the way realise their desires are altered by success, fame, peer pressure etc.

But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:14-15 NIV)

A desire always require wisdom to execute it. It is important to ask God for wisdom to know how you should pursue the desires of your heart.

A Culture : 

Among the many differences in cultures around the world, I have paid attention to 2 kinds that have stood out to me :

1. A Culture that accepts anything :

These are people who are fine with any lifestyle and culture. There are 2 things that stand out about them :

– There are no strong values that decide what is right and what is wrong. Values change based on trends and demands.

– Living based on only emotions, their feelings drive them to do whatever they want to. They often claim the right to control their own lives.

2. A Culture that judges everything :

“Phariseeism is born when we think it’s OK to reject people in order to protect ideas.” Bill Johnson.

People in this category live based on ideas, rules etc that fir into their own box of understanding. They are :

  • Quick to judge anything they are not familiar with.
  • Often conveys a message of self-righteousness and promotes their way to be the only way.

Whichever category you maybe in right now, let me remind you that we are ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’. My understanding of that is – We have higher standards, values and a heavenly culture that we represent wherever we are. We do not get influenced by the culture, but we are called to influence the culture.

Look out for dream-stealers in your life. You have an amazing future and a great calling ahead of you. Do anything and everything you need to protect it.

What are other things that could be a poison that destroys our future? Share your comments below.

*This post is extracted from the new Symphony Of Heaven Blog due to people still visiting here. Please visit and subscribe to the new Blog. *

How to live in a valley


If you are like me, you know what valleys are. You also know how unavoidable they seem and how they suck the life out of you. I’ll be honest and admit I have ‘allowed’ them to get the better of me way too many times. It was only much later that I realised, how I feel is how I have ‘allowed’ myself to feel. Your situations don’t live inside of you. They only influence you.

I have gradually developed a list of practical things which I intentionally do now when I am in trouble. Don’t want to say I’m 100% cured, but this has helped me a lot in getting through difficult times. Here are some of them :

The trust issue : Trust is our only medicine when we are in a valley. Difficult situations are really a test of our trust than it is anything else.

How would you know if you are trusting God?

Rest portrays trust.

Whenever I see myself controlled by fear, anxiety, discouragement, hopelessness, I know I am not trusting God enough. Where there is faith, fear cannot exist. God is too good to do you any harm and too wise to make a mistake. Develop a habit of trusting God 100% with your life.

Do exactly the opposite : Thanks to Bill Johnson for this one. I learned this one from a podcast and I must say this is a real good weapon. This is how it works :

If you feel like questioning God, start praising Him.

If you feel like lying down weeping, start rejoicing, start jumping and declaring God’s goodness.

Do exactly the opposite of what you feel like doing when you are under the influence of whatever is troubling you. This is not ignoring reality or being unreal, it is declaring that there is a superior reality of who you are which is placed higher than anything else.

Make a list :

Make a list of what God has done for you. Write down everything you can remember that made you stand in awe of God’s goodness. Remembering what God has done in the past is a great way to remind you what He will do, yet again.

Live, not survive :

A big mistake I have made and I have seen many people fall into is being in a valley trying to survive and not live. We are not designed to be in survival mode. Do not look at valleys as lost time, bad luck or any of that sort of beliefs.

Your life does not take a pause when you are in a valley. I am convinced that there is never a time when God is not intimately acquainted with whats happening in your life. I have learned some of the greatest lessons and had some of the most meaningful encounters with God during tough times. There are so many amazing songs we sing today that were written during a tough phase in the songwriters life. You can create even in a valley. It could be the most constructive season of your life.

Hold your head up high and live like a child of God even during challenging times. Do what you need to do and do not give up on your dream. Survival is not your goal, place your eye on the greater glory thats ahead of you.

Do you have anything to share that has helped you live victoriously in valleys?


Your greatest gift.


What is your greatest gift?

Creativity?, perhaps leadership?, talents?, you don’t know?

The longevity of the health of your heart will determine the longevity of everything you lay your hand to. – Sean Feucht

I believe the greatest gift we have is our heart, not our skill or anything else. I love being skilful and creative, but I am convinced the heart is placed above everything else.

The most skilful people have days when they go blank and feel uncreative, the smallest temptation can make the strongest fall and when tragedies are unstoppable, a heart filled with hope is our only medicine.

Nurturing our heart is as important as developing any other skill. Our minds are only as strong as our heart is and we can go only as far as our heart’s health permits.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”
(Proverbs 4:23, NIV).

The Bible mentions about the human heart around 300 times. The heart is the core of our being, and the Bible sets high importance on keeping our hearts pure and filled with hope.

How do you nurture your heart?

Share your thoughts in the comments below 🙂